Dec 28, 2012
Got the new steering head bearings installed on the DRZ. All's well. Since I can't ride offroad yet, I rode it to work to keep things all running well.
I finally got the bone growth stimulator a month after the doc ordered it. Turns out the delay was at the doc's office. The insurance company requested information that the doc office staff sat on for a while. Anyway, got the device. 30 mins a day the little timer clicks away. I have no idea if it's working or not. Won't know until mid-Jan when the doc xrays it again.
I'm still pretty low energy but not the devastating exhaustion that I've been feeling. I'm trying to get out on the bicycle but I don't usually get more than 5 miles. I guess that's better than nothing.
I got out on the kayak a couple of weeks ago and did ok. I only went 4 miles which is half of my normal kayak outing. But it didn't bother my shoulder at all. Probably because the kayak stroke comes from the torso, not the arms. Muscles are weak but otherwise everything else was ok.
I got an invitation to go back and finish my trip by joining with a friend and his friends on their trip in June. This one will avoid the gravel and will be on street bikes. That sounds like a good plan to me.
So now I wait until mid-Jan. Keep your fingers crossed for me!