Update: The collarbone has not healed at all. Since I've started to do more stuff again, it does bother me some. Lifting anything heavy, laying on that side... I can feel it's not connected. Doc H says I don't HAVE to get it done - I could live with it like this the rest of my life. But it's not very strong and will likely bust again if I fall on it. I've decided to go for the surgery to repair it. I have things to do in the immediate future and then the weather will be good for doing things outside. I'm going to try to wait until summer 2014 to get it fixed. In the hottest time of the year I can't really get outside and do anything anyway so might as well get it done then. Until then, onward and upward!!
Wild West Tour
Earlier this year, I started planning a street bike trip with a girlfriend who lives in CO. We really just wanted to get out and ride so we plotted a basic route that makes a loop consisting of a bunch of National Parks. Like Bryce, Zion, Grand Canyon and the like. We're calling it our Thelma and Louise trip.
While I was planning that, my friends Jimmy and Lois invited me to go with them on their out west trip. They're taking a couple of weeks to ride dualsport bikes in the National Forests around Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks. They were planning it for about the time I'd finish the T&L trip. Well shoot! I'll be nearby so why not?! When will I get another opportunity to find someone to go tour with? I'm in!
Internet access permitting, I will try to update this blog while I'm on the trip. If not, it'll have to wait until I get back.
So here I go! Stay tuned!
Ready to hit the road...