Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Take off... to the Great White North.

Take off...  it's a beauty way to go.

"The Big Trip" is riding my 2009 DRZ400S on the Trans Labrador Hwy - and then some.  This started many, many years ago when I first heard about the Bay of Fundy.  I was in college, working on my bachelor's degree in Biology, when one of my professors in class told us about the tidal bore there.  I was fascinated by this and said right then that this was something I just had to see.  I put it on my "bucket list".  

Several years ago, in 2006, I bought my first dualsport motorcycle.  I've been riding motorcycles since 1970 but always street bikes.  This was my first off-road motorcycle.  It was a 2006 KLR650.  One ride on dirt and I was hooked.  Since my #1 passion is mountain biking, I shouldn't have been surprised.  Anyway, the KLR was a great bike but it was a bit too big and heavy for me in the technical stuff.  So in 2009, I bought a DRZ400S.  This is the bike:

What a great bike it is!!  It is SO much more capable than I am!  It's also 100 pounds lighter than the KLR. 

Always in search of places to ride off-road, I connected with folks on the KLRworld and ADVrider forums (as well as a few others).  This is where you can read stories of people's trips.  There are day trip reports as well as extended 'round-the-world trips.  Some of them are absolutely inspiring!  

One of the trips I read about was the Trans Labrador Hwy in Canada.  It's mostly a gravel road however it is currently being paved.  When I heard about this I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to do my first adventure ride AND see the Bay of Fundy all at once.  So that's how this trip came to be.

Stay tuned...  more to come later.

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